Portfolio Items

City of Glendale
The City of Glendale had many buildings of varying age and condition. Several of which had older inefficient vintage HVAC systems past the end of their useful life. The city needed an energy services team with an unbiased vendor neutral approach.

City of Pasadena
The City of Pasadena is also a municipal utility. So when the city desired to reduce energy use, they turned to the utility for assistance. The utility, Pasadena Water & Power in turn reached out to 3FFICIENT engineers for help.

Oregon School Districts
3FFICIENT is one of only a handful of companies pre-qualified to provide energy audits to schools and other public buildings in the State of Oregon. To date, our team has audited dozens of schools, at no cost to the districts, which have…

San Diego USD
San Diego USD is one of the largest school districts in the nation with well over 12 million square feet of space. With aging buildings, a huge water and energy budget, they needed to stay on top and proactively reduce utility costs.

New Haven USD
Like so many schools, New Haven had aging HVAC and mechanical equipment that was in need of repair, but had insufficient budget to pay for these capital expenses. In June of 1998, the school board found what looked like the financial solution…

Glendale CCD
This 25 building campus is heavily built out and limited in space. The science and lab buildings were to be joined together with the addition of a planetarium style theater.
Project Background:
This 25 building campus is heavily built out…

US Forest Service
The US Forest Service was looking for ways to reduce energy use at their facilities. So in concert with their local mechanical contractor, 3FFICIENT was hired to audit energy use at their national Technology and Development Center.

The YMCA needed major HVAC upgrades and just didn't have the capital funding. So instead of continuing to defer maintenance or make "bandaid" repairs, they asked for help to figure out the root cause(s).
This project solved…

Oregon Cherry Growers
The main corporate headquarters of the Oregon Cherry Growers is a 130,000 square foot food processing plant located in downtown Salem, Oregon. It includes brining, finishing and packaging division of their maraschino cherry product line.…

Cal Offset Printers
This Cal Offset Printer facility is a large, industrial printing plant with water-cooled printing presses. Energy cost fluctuations are very challenging for operations and profitability.
Among other low cost measures, this project…

Johns Manville
Johns Manville, a global manufacturer of building materials, spent more than $200 million a year on energy. So the slightest fluctuation wreaks havoc on their budgeting and materials prices.
Services Provided:
Energy Master Planning

Galleria Mall
The Glendale Galleria is a giant, 1.2M square foot urban shopping mall with rooftop air conditioning units serving each tenant. An attached 8 story commercial office tower is cooled by a 4-pipe chilled water / hot water system.
3FFICIENT staff…

101 N Brand
Dramatic energy price increases caught the attention of the property manager at this prestigious class A high rise in the center of Glendale's commercial district. With very discerning tenants and a need to keep them satisfied, CBRE recognized…

330 N Brand
This class A commercial building, located in Glendale California was built very efficiently for its time. However, the property manager realized that with changing technologies and rising energy costs, they needed to investigate improvements.…