
Spur clean-tech for smart cities – vote here.
Coming soon to smart cities - Next generation clean technologies that will help make fossil fuels irrelevant.
By 2050, 90% of the population will be in cities, 75% of all energy use and 80% of CO2 emissions will start with the cities. When…

Vote for smart campus sustainability!
If you or your institution care about climate change, lowering energy bills or student safety, we ask you to vote for 3fficient to win a $100k grant, so we can bring you free solar power, improved student safety and education.
Portfolio Items

Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians
The Goshutes and perhaps most indigenous Americans, are mindful of their heritage co-existing with the land and leaving little impact for (many) generations to come. Developing a sustainable economy and social value for all without negatively…

USMCB Pendleton
The US Marines needed places for the enlisted bachelors that are safe and green. The DOD needed durable, long lasting, cost effective green buildings. The prime contractor needed low cost, beautiful solar canopies to achieve LEED…

Cathedral City
The city was faced with looming energy price hikes and had already been hit hard with unexpected charges from the State's cost overruns from the Gray Davis administration. They desperately needed to reduce costs and insulate themselves from…

Glendale CCD
This 25 building campus is heavily built out and limited in space. The science and lab buildings were to be joined together with the addition of a planetarium style theater.
Project Background:
This 25 building campus is heavily built out…

City of Encinitas
The City only had sufficient budget for a new roof. We gave them a super-efficient green building paid for by energy savings. It didn't cost the taxpayer a single penny. Now the staff and customers are happier and more productive.…