How to cut $21 Billion a year in healthcare costs
When I was a kid, a lot more people smoked. But they usually knew that it was bad for you and smelly. When they asked my parents if they would mind if they smoked, My dad would simply say, "go right ahead - but don't exhale". It seems…

Hackers Infect Cameras, DVRs to Pull off Massive Internet Breach
With the internet becoming integral to just about everything in our lives, building owners are connecting their buildings and machines - the Internet of Things (IoT). With this, is a mad rush by vendors, big and small to launch wireless products.…

Is cleaning solar panels worth the cost?
Many solar power owners ask, is cleaning panels worth the cost? Until now - no.
Let's face it, all panels get dirty. They're outdoors. All you have to do is drive around any neighborhood and look at rooftop panels to see the dirt buildup,…

High performance windows for the price of tint.
As the sun bears down on our buildings or cars, most people reach for the thermostat instead of stopping the heat BEFORE it gets inside your space. Luckily, there's a great new solution that will not only keep you comfortable, but will save…

Blockchain-based microgrid gives power to consumers
A new project in New York City is letting residents buy and sell renewable energy to each other, bypassing the central authority and the associated costs. Could this be the future of distributed energy? If so, what are the impediments?

Crown Estate rolls out smart street furniture in shopping parks
The Crown Estate invests in smartphone charging benches at two of its Lifestyle retail parks. Customers at both the Banbury Gateway Shopping Park and the MK1 Shopping Park in Milton Keynes will be able to charge their phones using smart benches.…

How US coastline would change when the ice melts
According to estimates of the worst-case scenario, global sea levels will rise by up to 10 feet in the next century. That may not seem like much, but it threatens millions of citizens in coastal communities and will result in billions of dollars…

Feds: Drought kills 66 million trees in California’s Sierra
The number of trees in California's Sierra Nevada forests killed by drought, a bark beetle epidemic and warmer temperatures has dramatically increased since last year, raising fears they will fuel catastrophic wildfires and endanger people's…

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah – seriously…
When it comes to comedy, Jimmy Kimmel is right up there. Now my new favorites are climate scientists. As Jimmy says, " they are people just like you and I but smarter". I just wish they were truly joking. You have to watch this excerpt…