How does a lotus leaf protect your car?
Something everyone on the planet has first hand experience with is cars. With harsh weather, sunshine, road salts and other chemicals being thrown at your vehicle, literally at breakneck speeds, protecting the paint and underlying metal is…

GAO: Climate change now costing U.S. billions
Climate Changes cost US Tax payers dearly. Could it exceed spending on military?

Managing Energy Costs in Grocery Stores
Energy costs can account for up to 15 percent of a grocery store’s operating budget. The US average was roughly $4/SF in 2015. For example, a 40,000 square foot store might spend $160,000 a year just for electricity. Because grocery stores’ profit margins are so thin

How to plug those (energy) holes in your building
Taking an infrared thermograph of an air conditioned building in the daytime, can be quite alarming. Infrared thermography is the same technology in night vision goggles used by military special forces. It reveals the infrared…

Making a better battery – CBS News
Commercial buildings use more electricity than any other building type in the US. Roughly 65% according to DOE statistics. But, the problem is WHEN they use energy - daytime and early evenings. That creates a problem for the power grid…

Can your bench do this? Here’s how solar furniture attracts visitors and makes your company look amazing.
Ah, the good old bench. It’s the background subject of affection in many movies. A couple holding hands on a park bench. An old man sitting on a bench feeding pigeons. Two strangers sitting on a bench engaging in a conversation on a beautiful…

Simple Spring Tune-ups
At the start of the new year, many of us set resolutions for things we would like to improve. For some, trimming our waist is a recurring item on our list. How do we do that for our buildings? Experts agree that we start by taking a look…

Fortune telling… Predict failure before it happens
Do things ever break when it's a good time? I've never had my car break down when I had no where in particular to go. The projector never stops working until the client is getting ready to arrive for a presentation. If only we had a crystal…