The main corporate headquarters of the Oregon Cherry Growers is a 130,000 square foot food processing plant located in downtown Salem, Oregon. It includes brining, finishing and packaging division of their maraschino cherry product line. Through a very extensive investment grade audit done by 3FFICIENT and funded by a grant from the City of Salem with financial support from the Energy Trust of Oregon, Oregon Cherry Growers benefited from an 80+% reduction in water and sewer costs through the installation of an innovative industry standard filtration technology system. Investment grade audits have also been done by 3FFICIENT in plants located in The Dalles, OR to help forecast a strategic energy plan for OCG.
This project will reduce water waste of their proprietary processing and packaging system by approximately 90% – 95% when completed.
Services Provided:
- Project Development
- Energy and Water Master Planning
- Energy and Water Auditing
- Schematic Design