A doctor’s group had a lot of comfort complaints in their 3-story medical office building. When they asked the engineers at the large hospital next door for ideas, they were referred to a 3FFICIENT engineer to diagnose and resolve their challenges.
3FFICIENT staff was asked to analyze the building’s energy using systems and diagnose the problems and recommend options. After the initial assessment and energy audit revealed a variety of energy efficiency improvements. Taking advantage of local incentives, 3FFICIENT worked closely with the local utilities and the state to offset the capital costs for high efficiency energy and demand management improvements. PE Consulting then acquired rebates and grants, brought in a local contractor, designed the upgrades, commissioned the installation, performed savings validation and training.
This project included: Replacing the HVAC Condenser and correcting HVAC Design Deficiencies, retrofitting lighting systems, installing controls upgrades and a new web-based Energy Management System. The modest investment of $225,000 with $125,000 in grants and incentives yielded annual operating savings of $22,000 in the first year with return on investment of more than 25%.
Environmental Benefits:
- Annual Energy Savings: 30 kW; 179,775 kWh
- Annual Emissions Savings: 156,245 lbs CO2 (GHG); 299 lbs NOx (smog); 338 lbs SO2 (acid rain)
- Equivalent to planting 233 trees each year
- Equivalent to not driving 170,907 miles in a car annually
- Equivalent to powering 16 large homes with renewable energy
“The (3FFICIENT) team has really helped us shave a bundle off our renovation plans, not to mention lowering future energy costs and improving tenant comfort.” All the doctors at Physicians Group .