This class A commercial building, located in Glendale California was built very efficiently for its time. However, the property manager realized that with changing technologies and rising energy costs, they needed to investigate improvements. They wanted unbiased guidance, so they utilized the services of 3FFICIENT’s engineers.
Working in concert with the municipal utility, GWP, 3FFICIENT engineers conducted a feasibility study, designed the necessary upgrades, helped manage the implementation, commissioned the project and monitored the performance of this energy saving project.
This project, completed in 2002, was an energy efficient retrofit of a 312,000 square foot, 15-story office building. This $360,000 lighting upgrade yielded a 35% return on investment.
Environmental Benefits:
- Annual Energy Savings: 255 kW; 1,234,735 kWh
- Annual Emissions Savings: 1,073,122 lbs CO2 (GHG); 2,052 lbs NOx (smog); 2,322 lbs SO2 (acid rain)
- Equivalent to planting 1,599 trees each year
- Equivalent to not driving 1,173,830 miles in a car annually
- Equivalent to powering 110 large homes with renewable energy
“This project went real well, our building looks better and it saved us a lot of money…” Spence Wilson, Property Manager, Transwestern Voit