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Do you support solar charging?

A 3fficient affiliate, Strawberry energy is competing to enter the Verge CleanTech Accelerator in Silicon Valley.  This is a great opportunity for a young startup to showcase in front of influential people from famous Silicon Valley.  They…

It all boils down to the next 15 years

US Congress has gotten really good at kicking the can down the road, especially when it comes to climate change.  Doesn't matter what party is in power.  It's really up to the city leaders to take action - now.  Here's why. A major new…

State Stymies Military on Energy

The Union Tribune recently published an article on power supply for military bases in CA. It was followed by a full page ad promoting a two-tiered rate to raise rates for more efficient users and lowering rates for inefficient users.  The…

Will the U.S. have to find a new national bird?

Imagine you're the captain of a huge jumbo jet with all your family and friends on board.  It's a long flight and you've had it on autopilot.  Now it's dark and foggy outside and the instruments are all you have to fly by.  For awhile now,…

US EPA sets target to cut power plant emissions by 30% (sort of)

This story originally appeared on Climate Central. US pollution policy is making progress.  Nearly every state in the U.S. now has a greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal to meet under the Obama administration's new Clean Power…

How to cut your carbon footprint by 30% overnight.

Over 90% of all American adults today have a cell phone, smart phone or tablet.  100% of all those devices use batteries - that need recharging nearly every single day!  Approximately 30% of all building energy use in the U.S. goes to plug…

Where to charge all those laptops and gadgets?

Every student comes to school with at least a laptop, tablet or smart phone in their backpack these days.  Then they need to recharge them a lot!  For many universities, that amounts to tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in electricity…

What we know about waste

What we know about waste... It robs us of valuable time doing meaningful things. It makes us sick, it makes plants, animals and humans sick. It is killing us all. It voids our sustainability and steals resources and joy from future generations. …
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The Fossil Folly

The Truth About America’s Addiction While consumers defend their addiction to driving, automakers defend their addiction to old internal combustion technology and utilities defend their addiction to fossil fuels, we all must find a real…