
Simple Spring Tune-ups

At the start of the new year, many of us set resolutions for things we would like to improve.  For some, trimming our waist is a recurring item on our list.  How do we do that for our buildings?  Experts agree that we start by taking a look at what we are consuming.

Trimming the waste at our business is also a resolution we should consider.  That doesn’t mean laying off people either.  For many businesses, utility expenses are rising and many have no idea why.  Here are a couple easy ways to trim your wasteline and make more profit for your company.

1.) Get a fitness coach

Take a close look at how your company operates. Are the lights always on?  Is the heat always on in the winter and air conditioning always on in the summer?  Are employees constantly changing the temperature?  Are there space heaters running under some desks while the air conditioner is blowing everywhere else?

Making simple changes to turn off lights when not being used or reducing the use of furnaces or air conditioners during peak times will hardly be noticed by your employees and will save big when your utility bill is opened next month.  Keeping your office temperature one degree down in the winter and one degree up during summer can reduce the power it utilizes by 10%.

Beyond the obvious tips, what other equipment or spaces are using the most energy?  A free fitness check from 3fficient can review your utility bills and help you know where additional savings can be found.  A simple and affordable management solution is now available to help you know exactly where your energy is being utilized.  Just like hiring a security company to watch business when you aren’t around, 3fficient’s Fácil service constantly monitors your energy utilization and will warn you when energy is being wasted so that you can make adjustments right away or automate the process.

2.) Stop throwing money out the windows

When you look at your windows are they covered with blinds while the lights are on?  Feel the glass.  Is it cold or hot?  Regular glass allows 70% of heat or cold to pass through.  Tinting or blinds darkens the room and require interior lights to be used.  Wait.  Doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of even having windows?  Why close the blinds and turn on the lights?  Regular tinting might block the glaring light but does little to block the heat or cold air.

First, check the framing and insulation around the windows to ensure it is tight and is not allowing air to pass. If the windows are sealed ok, it may still feel drafty near the windows.  That’s often just thermal convection caused by the cold windows.  If your windows are in good shape, but require blinds or heavy tinting, 3fficient has a remarkable new clear window insulation that blocks over 95% of infrared heat transfer while allowing in 96% of the natural visible light and blocking 100% of the harmful UV rays.  So, use the outside light, it’s free!  Your spaces will be more comfortable, a/c and lighting loads will drop considerably and you’ll trim the fat off your utility bills without breaking a sweat.


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