The City of Pasadena is also a municipal utility. So when the city desired to reduce energy use, they turned to the utility for assistance. The utility, Pasadena Water & Power in turn reached out to 3FFICIENT engineers for help.
Project Background:
The City of Pasadena is also a municipal utility. So when the city desired to reduce energy use, they turned to the utility for assistance. The utility, Pasadena Water & Power in turn reached out to 3FFICIENT engineers for help.
Alan Gold was the lead auditor in this project which encompassed analyzing energy use and auditing 28 buildings, ranging in size from a 3,500 square foot branch library to the 170,000 square foot historical city hall building.
This project involved upgrades to: lighting, HVAC, domestic water conservation, new fixtures, variable frequency drives, direct digital controls and EMS improvements. This project saved the city well over $250,000 a year in energy costs.
Notable Results:
- Energy Savings: 496 kW; 2,789,000 kWh/yr
- Emissions Savings: 2,423,952 lbs CO2 (GHG); 4,636 lbs NOx (smog);5,244 lbs SO2 (acid rain)
- Equivalent to planting 3,612 trees each year
- Equivalent to not driving 2,651,430 miles in a car annually
- Equivalent to powering 248 large homes with renewable energy