The prestigious Hilton in Glendale is a beautiful nineteen story high rise. At 270,000 square feet, with 350 guest rooms, associated restaurants, lounges, and conference rooms, the staff here have a lot of high profile business guests and high expectations to cater to. Customers here expect comfort, reliable operations and quality.
3FFICIENT was called in to see how the hotel could reduce energy costs without sacrificing comfort. 3fficient provided an energy master plan that substantially cut energy costs and the hotel’s carbon footprint while improving comfort and aesthetics. System and component improvements included: lighting, HVAC, electric motors and building automation.
Environmental Benefits:
- Annual Energy Savings: 108 kW; 1,432,472 kWh
- Annual Emissions Savings: 1,244,978 lbs CO2 (GHG); 2,381 lbs NOx (smog); 2,693 lbs SO2 (acid rain)
- Equivalent to planting 1,855 trees each year
- Equivalent to not driving 1,361,814 miles in a car annually
- Equivalent to powering 127 large homes with renewable energy
“We are dedicated to providing a high quality experience for our guests as well as environmental stewardship. This project accomplishes both by making our facilities better performing, more reliable and energy efficient. Thanks for the creative solutions!” John Stepanian, Director of Engineering