The City of Glendale had many buildings of varying age and condition. Several of which had older inefficient vintage HVAC systems past the end of their useful life. The city needed an energy services team with an unbiased vendor neutral approach.
Project Background:
The City of Glendale had many buildings of varying age and condition. Several of which had older inefficient vintage HVAC systems past the end of their useful life. The city needed an energy services team with an unbiased vendor neutral approach.
Doug Poffinbarger was the lead project developer and manager for the team. 3FFICIENT engineers managed this project from start to finish. Our services included: preliminary and detailed energy audits, project management, design, commissioning and training support.
This project involved energy analysis for twenty-five buildings for the City of Glendale. A total of 28 different energy conservation measures were identified, many of which are common to several buildings. These involve such things as premium efficiency motors, high efficiency filter replacements, replacing standard V-belt drives with cog-type belts, variable volume conversions, double-duct and multi-zone unit conversions, and direct digital controls common to all city buildings. This $3.5 Million project saved the city $600,000 a year in energy costs. With incentives, it paid for itself immediately.
Notable Results:
- Energy Savings: 802 kW; 5,137,000 kWh/yr; 58,588 Therms/yr
- Emissions Savings: 5,146,356 lbs CO2 (GHG); 8,750 lbs NOx (smog);9,659 lbs SO2 (acid rain)
- Equivalent to planting 7,670 trees each year
- Equivalent to not driving 5,629,320 miles in a car annually
- Equivalent to powering 456 large homes with renewable energy