The city was faced with looming energy price hikes and had already been hit hard with unexpected charges from the State’s cost overruns from the Gray Davis administration. They desperately needed to reduce costs and insulate themselves from volatile energy costs.
Project Background:
The city was faced with looming energy price hikes and had already been hit hard with unexpected charges from the State’s cost overruns from the Gray Davis administration. They desperately needed to reduce costs and insulate themselves from volatile energy costs.
3FFICIENT engineers developed both financial and technical solutions for the City. They managed the entire turnkey project as part of an energy services team. Our services included: preliminary and detailed energy audits, project management, design, commissioning and training support. Follow up services included an energy master plan for the City in addition to multiple press releases.
This award winning project received national news. It involved: retrofitting the city’s traffic signals with long lasting LED lights, retrofitting the interior office lights with high efficiency fluorescent lights and electronic ballasts, installing cubicle and office sensors to turn off lighting and equipment when unused, installing window film to reduce space temperatures and extend the life of carpet and furniture and install a 227 kW AC solar power parking canopy to generate clean, renewable power for the city. This project cut the city’s power needs in half and shaved more than 30% off their utility costs.
Notable Results:
- Energy Savings: 378 kW; 947,098 kWh/yr
- Emissions Savings: 823,134 lbs CO2 (GHG); 1,574 lbs NOx (smog); 1,781lbs SO2 (acid rain)
- Equivalent to planting 1,227 trees each year
- Equivalent to not driving 900,381 miles in a car annually
- Equivalent to powering 84 large homes with renewable energy