Referral Partners

Refer a Friend – Get 3% Cash

Welcome Referral Affiliates

You can earn passive income by referring customers to our site. When a customer clicks your affiliate link and purchases items on our site, you (or your designee) will be rewarded up to 3% in cash value for their purchases.  Rewards can be redeemed in: cash, store credit, discounts or even donated to the organization of your choice.   More details are available online during the referral process.

  • Register

    Grid Sub-Title

    Upon registration, you will be assigned a unique Affiliate ID which is used to identify and relate incoming visits to your affiliate account. Your Affiliate ID is available on the Affiliate Area page where you will find your Affiliate Link, performance stats and additional resources.

  • Refer Others

    Grid Sub-Title

    Simply paste a link or banner code in your email, text, social media, blog or website using your Affiliate ID.  When a visitor clicks your affiliate link and makes a corresponding purchase on our website, our system records a referral that reflects your commission based on the purchaser’s net amount.

  • Get Paid

    Grid Sub-Title

    We normally process affiliate payments within the first 15 days of the following month. Payouts for your earnings require a valid PayPal account.


You can say that we believe in good karma. We’d rather pay loyal affiliates than big advertising firms. In general, you will receive 3% commission for products and services you refer.

For power purchase agreements on power generation projects, you also receive a bonus of $.000675/kWh of power generated over the term of the customer agreement.  For example, consider a relatively small 250kW commercial generator project.  Assuming $3.00/watt installed, the commission would be $22,500 for the install.  Plus, assuming it runs full time, that same unit will generate 2,190,000 kWh/yr which translates to $1,478.25 in annual commissions or $10,347.75 in 7 years.  The total commissions on that one referral add up to $32,847.75.

C&I building owners.  Just about any public agency, commercial or industrial business that pays over $5,000/month – $500,000/month in utility costs and wants to save money or reduce their carbon footprint.  Also, customers who would like to improve their building’s windows, lighting, heating, air conditioning or considering solar are good candidates.  The money we save them is impressive!

Once the product or service is paid for or the service contract is won, completed, and paid for in full by the client obtained from your referral. If the contract includes progress payments, we pay you in progress payments as well.  You will know the status of your referral and the date of delivery or estimated contract completion (once we win the contract) from the handy dashboard link provided at signup.

Of course, as long as you feel comfortable with the circumstances and it is not a conflict of interest. We also want to stay far away from any potential conflicts of interest and will quickly let you know if we feel uncomfortable in proceeding with your referral as well.

Absolutely.  There is no limit. The more the better.  Please see guidance on “who is a good referral candidate” above.

How to improve results (Things you can do)

You may use your affiliate links and banners to promote our products and services on your site. The appropriate resources are provided in the Affiliate Area.

You may write blog posts or guest blog about products, services and areas of interest that are related to the products that you are marketing. Note that you can link to any page on our site, so you can also promote specific products by linking to the appropriate product page with your affiliate link appended. The social sharing icons on each page and the affiliate link generator available in the Affiliate Area will help you to obtain the correct affiliate link.

You may use text links and banner ads on your site and social services to promote pages and products on our site using your affiliate link. This can include a post on your Blog, Social Media or other Sites.

Once registered as a referral partner, you can also submit referrals automatically by utilizing a special link embedded in emails, texts, social media, blogs or downloadable banner ads that will be made available to you after the registration process.

Not all referrals will be successful

Our system uses cookies to track visitors who click your affiliate links. They need to be using cookies so our system can track them.

If a customer does not allow cookies or clears the cookies in their browser, we can’t track the purchases they make back to you, so you won’t see any earnings for these cases. Unfortunately this is not something we control, it can happen but it’s not common.

The cookies used to track referrals expire within 30 days. Referred purchases will generate affiliate earnings, after that time no affiliate earnings apply unless the customer has revisited your affiliate link and renewed the referral period.

Your use of our affiliate program is subject to a fair and correct use policy which gives us the right to review every referral. Referrals that have been recorded for refunded or canceled orders are rejected and earnings from those purchases are excluded from payouts.

Referrals are not valid where the prospect and the referring party are one and the same person.  While you cannot refer yourself, you can certainly apply your referral fees for discounts or redeem them for cash.

In the event that a referral is submitted twice from different affiliates, then the first referral will be eligible for the reward.  Our referral system is supposed to block duplicate referrals automatically.  On the rare occasion that it does not catch the duplicate, you will be notified as soon as it is discovered and your fees may be adjusted.

Cast a bigger net. You can also use the social sharing facilities provided on each page of our site to promote our products and earn commissions. Please make sure to be logged in when you share a link to the site through Twitter, Facebook or other social media. This is important as the link you share contains your Affiliate ID so that we can track referred purchases back to you.

Anyone can submit a single referral on our website any time via the contact us page. However, you will not get compensated for that referral unless registered here as a referral partner.   All other terms and conditions, such as privacy, still apply.

For non-digital referrals, we will input the referral from the backend as soon as possible. Please note that we cannot supersede a referral by any agents prior to entering yours. If you do not get a confirmation from us, it was not received or completed.

You may not refer customers to us by implying our endorsement or confusing them about the ownership of your site or the products advertised.

You may not do anything or act in any way that might be confusing or misleading or intentionally deceptive to promote our site or products.

You may not act in any way that may not meet our standards (at our discretion).  These are pretty common sense.  Do not try to fraud, mislead or confuse visitors and customers. Do not deploy or design any artifacts that could be used to fraud, confuse or mislead visitors or customers.

You may not distribute our products through your site.

You may not use our brands, trademarks, intellectual property, design elements or copyrighted material from our site unless you have our written confirmation. You must contact us before using any elements and unless we respond with a confirmation, assume that permission to do so has been denied.

ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM You may not send unsolicited emails or distribute messages in any way which may constitute spam.  Any referral must be authorized by the person or business that is referred to 3fficient. By accepting our terms and conditions you represent that you have the authority to disclose the names people or organizations you referred to us.

You may not breach any laws to promote our site and products. This includes any act of breach of privacy, trademarks, intellectual property, copyrights and spam.

We reserve the right to decide whether or not your participation in our affiliate program complies with any applicable laws and/or these Affiliate Terms and Conditions or our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

If we find that your participation in our affiliate program does not meet these terms, we will withhold your earnings and disable or terminate your account. We make the final decision on whether or not your use of our affiliate program is in breach with our terms or any applicable laws. Failure to abide by these terms and conditions voids your affiliate membership and any outstanding payments.