Set along the beautiful San Diego Harbor, the Sheraton with over 1,044 guest rooms and 120,000 SF of meeting space offers rich scenic views and relaxing comfort year round. A new Director of Engineering came from the world famous Hotel Del Coronado, he brought high expectations. He quickly realized that his new facility was nowhere near as efficient as it should be, especially compared to his peers.
3fficient were asked to provide Energy Auditing and Schematic Design for comprehensive energy savings improvements to be phased in over time.
The scope of this project incuded an energy efficient retrofit of two towers, bungalows and surrounding grounds. Retrofits included: lighting improvements, central plant interconnections and controls, laundry system renovation, air handler repairs and improvements, low flow toilet retrofits, irrigation management improvements and more.
Notable Results:
- Energy Savings: 220 kW; 2,965,000 kWh/yr; 9,500 Therms/yr
- Emissions Savings: 2,687,458 lbs CO2 (GHG); 4,963 lbs NOx (smog);5,575 lbs SO2 (acid rain)
- Equivalent to planting 4,005 trees each year
- Equivalent to not driving 2,939,664 miles in a car annually
- Equivalent to powering 263 large homes with renewable energy